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(1. 福建省邮电规划设计院有限公司,福建 福州 350001;2. 国家电网哈尔滨供电公司,黑龙江 哈尔滨 150008)

摘  要:本文利用3D3S 三维计算软件对单管塔加固进行模拟计算及分析,单管塔在原有满荷载情况下新增平台后强度将超出规范允许值,需做加固处理。该模拟计算模型采用新增斜撑的方法和合理的单元划分对单管塔进行风荷载作用下的非线性计算。结果表明:在应力比小于0.85[1] 的情况下,并保证单管塔在新增平台后能继续使用,对风荷载作用下单管塔加斜撑的位移和应力比等方面进行分析,数值模拟结果比较接近实际结果,其承载能力有较高的提升。利用3D3S 三维计算模型能够比较准确地计算出单管塔的受力。


中图分类号:TU347         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2019)12-0047-03

Calculation and Analysis of Three-dimensional Spatial Model Reinforced bySingle Tube Tower

LIU Zhiquan1,DENG Yongjuan2

(1.Fujian Post and Telecommunications Planning and Design Institute Co.,Ltd.,Fuzhou 350001,China;2.Harbin Power Supply Company of State Grid,Harbin 150008,China)

Abstract:In this paper,3D3S software is used to simulate and analyze the reinforcement of single tube tower. The strengthof single tube tower will exceed the allowable value of the code after adding a new platform under the original full load,so it needsto be strengthened. The simulation model uses the method of adding braces and reasonable element division to calculate the nonlinearityof a single pipe tower under wind load. The results show that when the stress ratio is less than 0.85[1],the single tube towercan continue to be used after the new platform is added. The displacement and stress ratio of the single tube tower with diagonalbraces under wind load are analyzed. The numerical simulation results are close to the actual results,and the bearing capacity ofthe single tube tower is improved. The stress of single tube tower can be calculated accurately by using 3D3S three-dimensionalcalculation model.

Keywords:single tube tower;oblique brace;displacement;stress ratio


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