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基于K- 均值聚类算法的众包任务定价模型设计
(浙江中医药大学,浙江 杭州 310053)

摘  要:针对众包任务的合理定价问题,首先将任务定价划分为区域间任务定价和区域内任务定价。其次针对区域间任务定价,运用K- 均值聚类法划分任务区域;选择合理指标,建立基于主成分分析法的优化任务定价模型。针对区域内任务定价,确定会员中心及区域内任务定价与到会员中心距离的关系。最后通过循环遍历法得到众包任务定价方案。通过新定价方案与原方案的对比表明,该模型可以制定出准确、合理的任务定价方案。

关键词:主成分分析法;红细胞计数法;循环遍历法;K- 均值聚类

中图分类号:TP301.6          文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2019)12-0072-03

Crowdsourcing Task Pricing Model Design Based on K-means Clustering Algorithm

ZHAO Jianjun,YANG Weinan,YU Yunze,JIANG Weiwei

(Zhejiang Chinese Medical University,Hangzhou 310053,China)

Abstract:To solve the problem of reasonable pricing for crowdsourcing tasks. Firstly,divided it into inter-regional task pricingand intra-regional task pricing. Secondly,according to the inter-regional task pricing,the K-means clustering method is used to dividethe task areas,and the optimal task pricing model based on principal component analysis is established by selecting reasonable indicators.Aiming at the task pricing in the region,the relationship between the task pricing in the member center and the distance from the membercenter is determined. Finally,the pricing scheme of crowdsourcing tasks is obtained by cyclic traversal method. The comparison betweenthe new pricing scheme and the original one shows that the model can work out an accurate and reasonable task pricing scheme.

Keywords:principal component analysis;red blood cell counting;loop traversal;K-means clustering


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