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(西安工程大学,陕西 西安 710048)

摘  要:随着单体式应用架构维护困难等弊端日益凸显,微服务架构被越来越多的开发者所使用,并且为了解决单体式架构在开发使用过程中面临的挑战,提出了基于微服务架构的分散治理服务架构思想。微服务架构是一种架构思想和开发模式的蜕变,相比于传统的单体式服务架构,微服务有着更快的上线周期。本文主要阐述微服务架构的概念与工作原理,论述与单体式架构相比微服务架构的优势及特点,以及基于Spring Cloud 的微服务架构的运行流程。

关键词:微服务架构;单体式结构;Spring Cloud

中图分类号:TP311         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2019)15-0072-03

Micro-service Architecture Research Method

ZHENG Wenjing,WANG Ting

(Xi’an Polytechnic University,Xi’an 710048,China)

Abstract:As the drawbacks of monolithic architecture are becoming more and more difficult to maintain,micro-service architectures are being used by more and more developers. In order to solve the challenges faced by the monolithic architecture in the process of development and use,the idea of decentralized governance service architecture based on micro-service architecture is proposed.The micro-service architecture is a transformation of architectural thinking and development models. micro-service have a faster on-line cycle than traditional monolithic service architectures. This paper mainly elaborates the concept and working principle of the micro-service architecture,discusses the advantages and characteristics of the micro-service architecture compared with the monolithic architecture,and the operation process of the micro-service architecture based on Spring Cloud.

Keywords:micro-service architecture;monolithic architecture;Spring Cloud


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