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基于PARAFAC 分解的通信系统信道估计方法
(北方工业大学 信息学院,北京 100144)

摘  要:针对用户通信中上行链路的信道估计问题,考虑使用单向两跳多输入多输出中继系统,提出了一种基于平行因子分解的联合信道估计算法。该方法对用户传输的信号采用Khatri-Rao 空时预编码方案,在接收端构造张量模型,并采用两次奇异值分解算法对该模型进行拟合,从而实现了信道的联合估计。仿真结果表明,该半盲接收机的估计性能接近理想的迫零接收机,与两阶段训练序列信道估计方法相比,该半盲接收机的归一化均方误差和误码率得到了明显的下降。

关键词:半盲接收机;联合估计;KRST;SVD 算法;张量模型

中图分类号:TN929.5         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2020)02-0071-03

Channel Estimation Method of Communication System Based on PARAFAC Decomposition

HAN Xi,ZHAO Yuyu,LIU Qin,BAI Wenle

(School of Telecommunications,North China University of Technology,Beijing 100144,China)

Abstract:For the channel estimation of uplink in user communication,a unidirectional two hop multi input multi output relay system is considered. So a joint channel estimation algorithm based on parallel factorization is proposed. In this method,Khatri-Rao spacetime precoding scheme is adopted for the signal transmitted by the user. Tensor model is constructed at the receiving end,and two SVD algorithms are used to fit the model,thus joint channel estimation is realized. The simulation results show that the estimation performance of the semi blind receiver is close to the ideal zero forcing receiver. Compared with the two-stage training sequence channel estimation method,the normalized mean square error and error rate of the semi-blind receiver are significantly reduced.

Keywords:semi-blind receiver;joint estimation;KRST;SVD algorithm;tensor model

基金项目:2018 年基本科研业务费(PXM2018-014212-000011);2017 年北京市青年骨干项目(2017000020124G069);北京市科技类一般项目(KM201910009011);北京市自然科学基金-海淀原始创新联合基金项目(L182039);北方工业大学教师科研启动经费


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