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浅析5G 网络切片安全
(广东省电信规划设计院有限公司,广东 广州 510630)

摘  要:5G 通信技术能满足不同应用领域多样化的业务需求,网络切片是现阶段业界公认的较为理想的网络架构。但是5G技术在满足海量业务的同时,需要密切关注网络安全问题。本文结合5G 安全架构,重点分析了网络切片的安全控制策略,从而引发更多关于5G 网络安全的探索和思考。

关键词:5G 业务场景;网络切片;安全架构;切片安全策略

中图分类号:TN929.5         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2018)04-0072-02

Analysis of 5G Network Sectioning Security
LI Xueyong
(Guangdong Telecom Planning & Design Institute Co.,Ltd.,Guangzhou 510630,China)

Abstract:5G communication technology can meet diverse business needs in different application fields,and network slicing is an ideal network architecture recognized by the industry at this stage. However,5G technology needs to pay close attention to network security while satisfying massive business. Combined with the security architecture of 5G,this paper focuses on analyzing the security control strategy of network slicing,which leads to more exploration and thinking about 5G network security.

Keywords:5G business scenario;network slicing;security architecture;sectioning security policy


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