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(广东省科技基础条件平台中心,广东 广州 510033)

摘  要:在综合布线工程中,受到测试设备的条件限制,光纤测试变得非常复杂,所以在工程实施过程中,经常见到一些施工单位的测试人员在测试光纤时,由于基准设置或测试方法不正确而造成光纤测试数据不准确,影响用户的使用。本文针对实际工程中常用的测试设备和测试链路,改进基准设置和测试方法,避开测试设备限制,提高了测试数据的准确性。


中图分类号:TN913.3         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2018)04-0074-02

Improvement of Fiber Optical Test Benchmark Setting and Testing Method in Generic Cabling Engineering
YAO Zufa
(Guangdong Science & Technology Infrastructure Center,Guangzhou 510033,China)

Abstract:In the engineering inspection,fiber optic test(FOT)demands the most attention due to the limitation of equipment. This explains why it is common to find some testers from construction units use the incorrect method in testing and calibrating,which leads to inaccurate FOT data and poor user experience. Based on the testing equipment and link applied in practice,this paper aims to improve the baseline setting and FOT method,avoid the limitation of equipment and increase the accuracy of FOT data.

Keywords:engineering inspection;fiber optic testing


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