摘 要:高清视频会议系统成为视频会议主流,网络视频评审可以简化工作程序,降低成本,也为评审创造了良好的环境。 本文在国家科技计划网络视频评审甘肃系统的基础上,研究设计了甘肃省科技系统网络视频会议及评审答辩系统,该系统按照高标准建设,采用了高清技术标准的设备,实现了网络视频会议和评审答辩的功能,对于提高科研管理工作效率、降低经费投入、建设节约型社会有着重要的现实意义。
中图分类号:TN919.8 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2018)04-0080-02
Optimization Design of Gansu Science and Technology Network Video Conference System Based on Virtual Network Technology
MA Ji,ZHANG Qibin,WANG Na,XU Huiping
(Gansu Computing Center,Lanzhou 730030,China)
Abstract:HD video conference system has become the mainstream of video conference. Online video review can simplify working procedures,reduce costs,and create a good environment for evaluation. On the basis of the national science and technology program network video review Gansu system,this paper studies and designs the network video conference and the review and defense system of Gansu science and technology system. According to the high standard construction,the system adopts the equipment of high definition technical standard,and realizes the function of the network video conference and the evaluation and defense. It can improve the efficiency of scientific research management,reduce the investment and build the economy. The type of society has an important practical significance.
Keywords:network video conference;virtual network technology;optimization design
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