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基于MOXA 多串口卡的陀螺稳定平台通信策略研究
(海军驻天津地区军事代表局,北京 100073)

摘  要:监控系统是数字化陀螺稳定平台的重要组成部分,本文针对稳定平台高波特率、高数据更新率的通信需求,设计了基于MOXA 多串口卡的通信策略。介绍了MOXA 多串口卡的工作原理及特点,设计了通信程序流程,基于VC++ 编程实现了串行通信。实验结果表明,监控系统软件工作稳定可靠。


中图分类号:TP273.5         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2018)05-0050-03

Research on Communication Strategy of Gyro Stabilized Platform Based on MOXA Multi Serial Card
LI Ang,LEI Xiaojian
(Military Delegate Office of Navy in Tianjin District,Beijing 100073,China)

Abstract:The monitoring system is an important part of the digital gyroscope stabilization platform. This paper aiming at the high baud rate and high data update rate of the stable platform,a communication strategy based on MOXA multi serial port card is designed. The working principle and characteristics of MOXA multi serial card are introduced,and the communication program flow is designed. Serial communication is realized based on VC++ programming. The experimental results show that the software of the monitoring system
works stably and reliably.

Keywords:stabilized platform;MOXA;serial communication;VC++


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