摘 要:ADS-B 系统因其具有建设和维护成本低,定位精度高,数据更新率高等优点而在民航监视领域中大放异彩,其安全运行已经成为影响中国民航活动正常开展的重要因素。但 ADS-B 地面站设备和机载设备易受电磁干扰,且自从 ADS-B 信号正式接入自动化系统提供监视服务后,ADS-B 设备受到干扰事件屡见不鲜。文章通过研究航班受 GPS 干扰导致 ADS-B 地面站输出位置异常现象,总结了相应类似异常事件的处理经验。
关键词:ADS-B;GPS 干扰;自动化系统;偏航
中图分类号:TN929.5;V355.1 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2021)13-0045-06
Study on the Phenomenon of Abnormal Output Position of ADS-B Ground Station Because of the Flight is Being Disturbed by GPS
YI Zhenning
(Guilin Air Traffic Management Station of Civil Aviation of China, Guilin 541106, China)
Abstract: ADS-B system shines brightly in the field of civil aviation monitoring because of its advantages of low construction and maintenance cost, high positioning accuracy and high data update rate. Its safety operation has become an important factor affecting the normal development of civil aviation activities in China. However, ADS-B ground station equipments and airborne equipments are vulnerable to electromagnetic interference. Since ADS-B signal is officially connected to automation system to provide monitoring service, ADS-B equipment is frequently disturbed. By studying the phenomenon of abnormal output position of ADS-B ground station because of the flight is being disturbed by GPS, this paper summarizes the handling experience of corresponding similar abnormal events.
Keywords: ADS-B; GPS interference; automation system; yawing
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作者简介:易振宁(1990.10—),男,汉族,广西桂林人, 工程师,学士学位,研究方向:甚高频和雷达。