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基于锚点让渡的 5G NSA 共享技术研究
(中国联合网络通信有限公司广州市分公司,广东 广州 510335)

摘  要:为了降本增效,电信运营商在 5G 共建共享上进行网络的深度融合。5G NSA 组网中,承建方 4/5G 基站要同设备厂家部署。对于特殊场景,承建方无法实现同厂家同步建设的情况下,文章对基于锚点让渡的 5G NSA 共享技术进行了研究。结合理论推理和试点实验的方法,进行运营商之间 NSA S1 和 X2 接口互联互通和锚点让渡 4/5G 互操作系统参数研发,证明基于锚点让渡的 5G NSA 共享技术可行。在南沙区、黄埔区的试点结果表明,该技术能有效解决 5G 共建共享中的锚点选择问题。

关键词:5G NSA 共享;锚点让渡;无线优化


中图分类号:TN929.5                                   文献标识码:A                                      文章编号:2096-4706(2021)13-0051-04

Research on 5G NSA Sharing Technology Based on Anchor Transfer

SU Fengxuan, ZHONG Yuyue, CHEN Chuxiong

(Guangzhou Branch of China United Network Communications Co., Ltd., Guangzhou 510335, China)

Abstract: In order to reduce cost and increase efficiency, telecom operators carry out in-depth network integration on 5G co construction and sharing. In 5G NSA networking, the Contractor’s 4/5G base station shall be deployed with the equipment manufacturer. For special scenarios, when the contractor cannot carry out synchronous construction with the manufacturer, this paper studies 5G NSA sharing technology based on anchor transfer. Combined with the methods of theoretical reasoning and pilot experiments, the interconnection of NSA S1 and X2 interfaces between operators and the development of 4 / 5G interoperability system parameters of anchor transfer are carried out, which proves that the 5G NSA sharing technology based on anchor transfer is feasible. The pilot results of this technology in Nansha District and Huangpu District show that it can effectively solve the problem of anchor point selection in 5G co construction and sharing.

Keywords: 5G NSA sharing; anchor transfer; wireless optimization


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作者简介:苏凤轩(1975—),女,汉族,广东广州人,项目 经理,高级工程师,工程硕士,研究方向:5G、无线优化;钟豫 粤(1975—),男,汉族,广东韶关人,部门经理,高级工程师, 工程硕士,研究方向:5G 共建共享、移动通信;陈楚雄(1975—), 男,汉族,广东惠州人,项目经理,工学学士,研究方向:5G、 无线优化。