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THz 波在有界等离子体中的特性分析
(泰山科技学院,山东 泰安 271000)

摘  要:为解决飞行器在等离子体层中的通信中断问题,借助有界等离子体的传输模型,研究了 THz 波在等离子体中的传播特性。文章主要分析在非磁化、均匀等离子体中 THz 波的传输特性。随着等离子的碰撞频率(fen)、厚度(d)、电子密度(ne)的变化规律,从三个方面分析了太赫兹波在非磁化等离子体中传播的反射值(R)、透射值(T)以及衰减值(Att)。提高入射波频率至太赫兹波频段,可以有效地解决“黑障”问题。



中图分类号:TN011;V271                              文献标识码:A                                 文章编号:2096-4706(2021)24-0065-04

Characteristics Analysis of Thz Wave in Bounded Plasma

CHEN Chunmei, YAN Xiaobing, LIU Yunjie, MU Yunfei, LI Jing

(Taishan College of Science and Technology, Taian 271000, China)

Abstract: In order to solve the problem of the communication interruption of the aircraft in the plasma layer, with the help of the transmission model of the bounded plasma, the propagation characteristics of the THz wave in the plasma are studied. This paper mainly analyzes the transmission characteristics of THz wave in non-magnetized and uniform plasma, and analyzes the reflection value (R), transmission value (T) and attenuation value (Att) of terahertz wave propagating in non-magnetized plasma with the change regulation of plasma collision frequency(fen), thickness(d) and electron density(ne), from three aspects. Increasing the incident wave frequency to terahertz wave band can effectively solve the problem of “blackout”.

Keywords: terahertz wave; plasma; blackout; attenuation characteristic


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