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(国网山西省电力公司忻州供电公司,山西 忻州 034000)

摘  要:我们国家对于光通信技术,以及光纤光缆通信已经有30 多年的发展历程。光纤通信具备四大优点:相对较大的传输容量,较低的传输损耗,较强的传输频带宽,较强的抗电磁干扰能力。得益于这些优点,光纤通信技术很快就发展起来了,并且得到了各方面的支持和来自社会的广泛关注。当下,各种有线通信领域都涉及到了光纤通信这项技术,包括:广电、石油和军工等领域的通信。本论文就我国目前的光纤通信的研究面临的现实状况和未来的发展趋势进行综合论述。


中图分类号:TN929.11         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2018)07-0071-03

Development Status of Optical Fiber Communication Technology and Suggestionsfor Improving Practical Value
SUN Qingchun
(State Grid Shanxi Electric Power Company Xinzhou Power Supply Company,Xinzhou 034000,China)

Abstract:Our country has more than 30 years of optical communication technology and fiber optic cable communicationdevelopment process. Relatively large transmission capacity,low transmission loss,strong transmission bandwidth and strong ability to resist electromagnetic interference,these four characteristics are the advantages of optical fiber communication. Thanks to the advantages of optical fiber communication,optical fiber communication technology has developed rapidly,and has received various support and extensive attention from the society. At present,fiber communication technology is involved in various fields of cable communication,which include communication in the fields of radio and television,oil and military industry. This paper is a comprehensive exposition of the current situation and future development trend of the research on optical fiber communication in China.

Keywords:fiber optic cable communication;optical communication technology


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