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(深圳地铁运营集团有限公司,广东 深圳 518040)

摘  要:为进一步提升地铁列车辅助防撞系统对障碍物的探测精度,对基于高斯态的量子照明雷达通信技术进行了研究,并应用到该系统中实现探测精度的提升,为地铁乘客的出行安全保驾护航。采用高斯态作为纠缠源,向拟探测区域发射信号光,通过对接收端接收信号与闲置光的联合测量结果判定障碍物是否存在。仿真结果表明,基于高斯态的量子照明雷达方案在检测精度方面相较于经典的相干态方案具有明显优势。



中图分类号:TN91;U231+.7                           文献标识码:A                               文章编号:2096-4706(2022)22-0058-04

Research on the Application of Quantum Lighting Radar Communication Technology in Subway

YUE Dong

(Shenzhen Metro Operation Group Co., Ltd., Shenzhen 518040, China)

Abstract: In order to further improve the detection accuracy of the subway train auxiliary collision avoidance system for obstacles, quantum lighting radar communication technology based on Gaussian state is studied and applied to the system to realize the improvement of detection accuracy for the travel safety of subway passengers. Gaussian state is used as the entanglement source to emit signal light to the proposed detection area, and the presence of obstacles is determined by the joint measurement results of the received signal and idle light at the receiver end. The simulation results show that the quantum lighting radar scheme based on Gaussian state has obvious advantages in detection accuracy compared with the classical coherent state scheme.

Keywords: subway train; quantum lighting; auxiliary collision avoidance system; Gaussian state


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作者简介:岳栋(1986.10—),男,汉族,山东菏泽人,高级工程师,本科,研究方向:城市轨道交通通信信号工程管理及应用,企业信息安全管理与合规性审计,企业私有云平台 SDN 网络安全管理融合,量子通信与量子加密应用集成。