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(广东邮电职业技术学院,广东 广州 510630)

摘  要:近年政府大力推动 5G 产业发展,为通信建设市场带来一波新的机遇,但随着通信建设企业竞争愈发激烈,通信建设企业必须在确保项目高质量交付的同时,解决项目单价下降、人工等成本增加、项目风险提升等问题。这便对企业的内部运营水平提出了极高的要求。项目管理体系是提升公司整体运营水平的关键手段。文章首先针对信息通信工程项目特点进行研究,并结合国内某大型通信建设企业(下简称 C 企业)的情况,说明了信息通信工程项目管理体系的构建思路。



中图分类号:TN913                                       文献标识码:A                                      文章编号:2096-4706(2022)22-0061-03

Research on the Construction of Information Communication Engineering Management System


(Guangdong Vocational College of Post and Telecom, Guangzhou 510630, China)

Abstract: In recent years, the government has vigorously promoted the development of 5G industry, which has brought a wave of new opportunities to the communication construction market. However, with the increasingly fierce competition among communication construction enterprises, communication construction enterprises must solve the problems such as the decline of project unit price, the increase of labor and other costs, and the improvement of project risk while ensuring the high-quality delivery of the project. This puts forward high requirements for the internal operation level of the enterprise. The project management system is the key means to improve the overall operation level of the company. Firstly, this paper studies the characteristics of information and communication engineering projects, and explains the construction idea of information and communication engineering project management system combined with the situation of a large domestic communication construction enterprise (hereinafter referred to as C enterprise).

Keywords: information and communication project; communication construction; management system; construction strategy


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