摘 要:从分析天线罩对天线辐射性能的影响及天线安装机械强度的要求出发,在结构设计、材料选择及成型工艺等方面进行综合考量,设计出一种全新的结构形式及成型工艺,实现了天线罩辐射面低介电 / 低损耗、低密度,非辐射面高机械强度。经过仿真对比分析,该设计可使 3.5 G 频段天线平均增益提升 0.2 ~ 0.3 dB,解决了现有天线罩技术存在的各种问题,真正全面实现了天线罩的低介电 / 低损耗、轻量化,而且表面质量更好,更加绿色环保,是 5G 时代天线的理想选择。
中图分类号:TN929.5 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2022)23-0055-04
Design and Application of a Low-loss Light Environmental Protection Radome
XIAO Fei, BU Binlong, LIU Peitao, SUN Shanqiu, LU Jishui
(Comba Telecom Technology (Guangzhou) Co., Ltd., Guangzhou 510663, China)
Abstract: This paper analyzes the influence of radome on the antenna radiation performance and antenna installation the requirement of mechanical strength, considers the structural design, material selection and molding process and so on synthetically, designs a new structure form and the molding process, and realizes the antenna radiant surface low dielectric/low loss, low density and the non-radiant surface of high mechanical strength. Through simulation and comparative analysis, the design can increase the average gain of 3.5 G frequency band antenna by 0.2~0.3 dB, solve various problems existing in the current radome technology, truly and comprehensively realize the low dielectric/low loss, lightweight, better surface quality, more green and environmental protection, is the ideal choice of 5G era antenna.
Keywords: low dielectric; low loss; light; environmental protection; radiant surface; non-radiant surface; composite extrusion; radome
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