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基于Solr 与面向对象的全物资编码的研究应用
(青岛港科技有限公司,山东 青岛 266011)

摘  要:本文是集团企业通过在阿里EDAS 框架下构建云采购平台的建设实践,围绕“全物资编码”的课题,论述了通过把“面向对象”的思想引入到全物资编码中,利用Solr 搜索引擎技术,解决海量全物资编码的难描述、难维护和单数据库海量全物资编码检索效率瓶颈等问题,提出了海量全物资编码的整体解决方案并进行实现。

关键词:全物资集中采购;全物资编码;云采购平台;Solr 搜索引擎

中图分类号:TP391.41       文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2019)06-0166-03

Research and Application of Solr and Object Oriented Full Material Coding
SONG Qingchang,ZHAO Qingbo,WANG Lihua
(Port of Qingdao Technology Co.,Ltd.,Qingdao 266011,China)

Abstract:This article is a group enterprise by Ali EDAS framework building procurement platform for the construction of the practice of cloud,surrounding the topic,all goods coding is discussed through introduce the thought of “object-oriented” to the whole material coding,using Solr search engine technology,solve the massive amounts of all goods and materials coding is difficult to describe,difficult maintenance and single database mass all goods coding retrieval efficiency bottleneck problems,put forward a lot of all goods and materials coding the overall solutions and implement.

Keywords:centralized procurement of all materials;full material code;cloud procurement platform;Solr search engine


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