摘 要:信息化社会的来临,从多年前的一维扫码到现在的二维扫码的大量普及,各类编码也就越来越来重要。现实生活中,在各级政府下发的红头文件标题处周边明显的位置上都可以看到(字号),国家标准也有文件序号,这些字号/ 序号都是为了我们大家检索方便。各个工厂或公司,为了管理上的规范,必然也会对全公司的文件进行分类,编号。因此对各类文件进行编号特别是对工程技术类文件进行编号这一工程管理的基础工作越发重要。
中图分类号:TP391.1 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)04-0141-04
Study on the Number of Engineering Quality Documents
ZHOU Rulin,ZHANG Lijun,ZHOU Qiusheng
(Ningbo Fuerda Smartech Co.,Ltd.,Ningbo 315321,China)
Abstract:With the advent of information society,from one-dimensional sweep code many years ago to two-dimensional sweep code now,all kinds of codes are becoming more and more important. In real life,in red-headed documents issued by governments at all levels,the obvious position around the title can be seen (number),and national standards also have document number,these numbers/serial numbers are all for our convenience of retrieval. In each factory or company,it is also for the Sake of standardization of management. It is necesSary to classify and numbered the documents of the whole company. Therefore,all kinds of document numbers,especially engineering and technical document numbers are more and more important in the basic work of engineering management.
Keywords:coordinate positioning;business unit;organizational structure;document number
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