摘 要:集装箱国际班列运输涉及船公司、货运代理、港口、理货、海关、铁路等多个物流角色,各参与方需要协同作业方可完成集装箱运输。参与角色众多,作业类型复杂,作业系统不统一,效率报告互不信任,鉴别问题原因困难。区块链的特点让各参与方都可以拥有全部账本,每把私钥只可以查看账本中特定的内容,所有的交易都需要相应的背书方可确认。文中描述了如何应用区块链技术将业务流程程序化,用不可篡改的电子文档代替纸张,从而实现集装箱国际班列运输各参与方高效协同。
中图分类号:TP311.13;U169.6 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)05-0167-03
Application of Block Chain to Promote Efficient Operation of Container International Lines
(Lianyungang Port Group Co.,Ltd.,Lianyungang 222042,China)
Abstract:Container international liner transportation involves many logistics roles such as shipping company,freight forwarder, port,tally,customs,railway and so on. Participants need to cooperate to complete container transportation. Participating roles are numerous,job types are complex,job systems are not uniform,efficiency reports do not trust each other,and it is difficult to identify the causes of problems. The characteristics of the block chain allow all participants to have all the books,each private key can only view the specific contents of the books,all transactions need the corresponding endorsement to confirm. This paper describes how to use block chain technology to program business processes and replace paper with non-tampering electronic documents,so as to achieve efficient collaboration among all participants in container international liner transportation..
Keywords:block chain;container liner;business flow;collaboration
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作者简介:南岚(1974-),女,汉族,江苏连云港人,副总 经济师,博士,研究方向:技术经济与管理。