摘 要:在物流领域使用物联网技术衍生出了智慧物流,与传统的物流方式相比,这种物流形式相对新颖,同时智慧物流的发展变化又为物联网技术的更迭换代提供了温床。基于物联网技术的智慧物流虽然规模尚未达到一定程度,但就目前已应用的状况来看,已经形成一些发展的雏型。本文从二者之间的关系入手,探讨了国内外几种比较典型的智慧物流模式,又展望了在我国目前阶段智慧物流的发展模式,旨在通过这一系列的研究为我国智慧物流的发展积累一些经验。
中图分类号:TP391.44;TN929.5 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)05-0169-03
Research on the Development Model of Intelligent Logistics in Internet of Things
ZHOU Fengming
(Luoyang Polytechnic,Luoyang 471000,China)
Abstract:Intelligent logistics is derived from the use of internet of things technology in the field of logistics. Compared with the traditional logistics mode,this logistics form is relatively new. At the same time,the development and changes of intelligent logistics provide hotbeds for the replacement of internet of things technology. Although the scale of intelligent logistics based on internet of things technology has not reached a certain level,it has some rudiments of development in terms of the current application situation. Starting with the relationship between them,this paper explores several typical intelligent logistics models at home and abroad,and looks forward to the development model of intelligent logistics at present stage in China,aiming at accumulating some experience for the development of intelligent logistics in China through this series of studies.
Keywords:internet of things technology;intelligent logistics;logistics technology
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作者简介:周凤鸣(1988.05-),女,汉族,河南洛阳人,助教, 研究生,研究方向:管理科学与工程。