摘 要:我国在2017 年提到了人工智能的发展规划,其中包括人工智能在农业方面的应用。目前,人工智能在我国已经应用于农业的各个方面,包括农作物的种子采集检测、农作物的监测、病虫害检测、对杂草的检测和清除果蔬的自动采摘以及快速分拣。另外,在水产品的养殖、检测和畜牧业也有应用。在农产品的销售和选种方面,人工智能可以根据大数据进行指导。
中图分类号:S126;TP18 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)05-0177-02
Review of the Application of Artificial Intelligence in Agriculture in China
LI Lijie
(Henan University Minsheng College,Kaifeng 475001,China)
Abstract:Our country mentioned the development of artificial intelligence in 2017,including the use of artificial intelligence in agriculture. So far,in our country,the artificial intelligence has been applied to every aspect of agriculture,including the seed collection of crops,the monitoring of crops,the detection of pests,the detection and removal of the weeds,automatic picking and rapid sorting of fruits and vegetables. It is also used in aquaculture,testing and animal husbandry. In the sales and selection of agricultural products, artificial intelligence can be guided by big data.
Keywords:artificial intelligence;intelligent agriculture;image recognition
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作者简介:李莉杰(1988.09-),女,汉族,河南开封人,硕士, 助教,研究方向:数据挖掘