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(国网江苏省电力有限公司技能培训中心,江苏 苏州 215000)

摘  要:在各相关专业的培训、鉴定、竞赛过程中,最重要的考察内容就是学员对实际操作的掌握程度。然而,传统的实操培训效果往往受限于一系列客观因素,诸如输电线路及输电带电实训项目多在高空进行,培训师在高空进行实操项目演示时,受限于地面与高空的长距离,学员无法看清实操细节,从而影响了实操培训效果;受限于每套装置周围狭小的培训空间,培训师进行参数设置等细微操作时,无法将全部信息清晰直观地展示给每位学员,培训效果也因此大打折扣。随着科技日新月异的发展,综合利用已较为成熟的高清摄像、无线传输、触控屏、软件开发等技术。借助该系统,可以有效地实时展示培训师或学员进行操作时的细节,大大提高实操培训效率,增强培训效果。


中图分类号:TN959.4;TN919.82        文献标识码:A        文章编号:2096-4706(2019)07-0144-03

Development of Multi-perspective Practical Training System Based on Internet of Things

LI Bingran,FU Hongquan,CHEN Xi,DENG Jianjun,MA Jun

(Skills Training Center of State Grid Jiangsu Electric Power Co.,Ltd.,Suzhou 215000,China)

Abstract:In the process of training,appraisal and competition of relevant majors,the most important content of the investigation is the mastery of the students’actual operation. However,the traditional practical training effect is often limited by a series of objective factors,such as transmission lines and transmission and electrification training projects are mostly carried out at high altitude. When the trainer performs demonstrations of actual operation projects at high altitude,it is limited by the length of the ground and the sky distance,the college can not see the details of the actual operation,further affecting the effect of practical training; limited by the small training space around each device,the trainer to perform parameter settings and other subtle operations,can not show all the information clearly and intuitively to each college. The training effect of the students was greatly reduced. With the rapid development of science and technology,we have comprehensively utilized technologies such as high-definition camera,wireless transmission,touch screen and software development. With the system,the operational details of the trainer or the trainee can be effectively displayed in real time and in real time,and the efficiency of the practical training can be greatly improved and the training effect can be enhanced.

Keywords:HD camera;multi-view;training system;wireless transmission;internet of things


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作者简介:李冰然(1990-),男,汉族,江苏苏州人,讲师, 本科,研究方向:输电线路运检。