摘 要:国家的经济之所以能够持续稳定的发展,跟供电系统的作用是密不可分的,在国家快速发展的进程中,供电系统逐步成为了主导产业。现如今电力已经渗透到了人们生活中的每一个角落,可以说供电系统是保证人民发展生活的重要方面,社会大众对供电系统的需求量逐步递增,使得政府将重点放在了供电系统的安全性上。而为了更好地符合当前社会对供电安全的要求,在电网的变电运行中使用了红外测温技术,这一技术可以及时发现供电系统的漏洞,提高了供电系统的运行质量。本文就红外测温技术在实践中的应用进行了深入的分析和研究,期望能够为相关人员提供参考。
中图分类号:TM63;TM507 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)07-0149-03
Application of Mid-Infrared Temperature Measurement Technology in Power Grid Substation Operation
(Sanmenxia Polytechnic,Sanmenxia 472000,China)
Abstract:The reason why the country’s economy can develop continuously and steadily is inseparable from the role of the power supply system. In the process of rapid development of the country,the power supply system has gradually become the leading industry. Nowadays,electricity has penetrated into every corner of people’s lives. It can be said that power supply system is an important aspect to ensure people’s development and life. The demand for power supply system by the public is gradually increasing, which makes the government focus on the security of power supply system. In order to better meet the requirements of the current society for power supply security,infrared temperature measurement technology is used in the substation operation of power grid. This technology can detect the loopholes of power supply system in time and improve the operation quality of power supply system. In this paper,the application of infrared temperature measurement technology in practice is deeply analyzed and studied,hoping to provide reference for relevant personnel.
Keywords:substation operation;infrared temperature measurement technology;power supply system
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作者简介:张倩(1984.10-),女,汉,族陕西潼关人,讲师, 学士学位,研究方向:电力系统及其自动化等。