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基于物联网的多视角实操培训系统的 无线视频接收机设计
(国网江苏省电力有限公司技能培训中心,江苏 苏州 215000)

摘  要:在基于物联网的多视角实操培训系统中,无线视频接收机的性能关系到整个系统的视频信息的传输的稳定性和画面的清晰度,传统的Wi-Fi 接收机由于都是单路的设计,6 路高清的视频语音视频信号传输较为卡顿,利用6 路独立的Wi-Fi通道,实现一对一传输,再将视频语音信号合起来送至上位机,较好地实现了系统的大容量传输的需求。


中图分类号:TN919.8        文献标识码:A        文章编号:2096-4706(2019)07-0146-03

Design of Wireless Video Receiver for Multi-View Operational Training System Based on Internet of Things

TIAN Fengwei,ZHU Xiangjun,YANG Li,WU Yanfang,SUN LYUwei

(Skills Training Center of State Grid Jiangsu Electric Power Co.,Ltd.,Suzhou 215000,China)

Abstract:In the multi-view practical training system based on the internet of things,the performance of the wireless video receiver is related to the stability of the transmission of the video information of the whole system and the clarity of the picture. The traditional Wi-Fi receivers are all designed in a single way. The 6-channel HD video voice and video signal transmission is more Karton,using 6 independent Wi-Fi channels to realize one-to-one transmission and then combining the video voice signals to the upper computer,which better realizes the demand for large-capacity transmission of the system.

Keywords:multi-view;training system;wireless transmission;internet of things;receiver


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作者简介:田丰伟(1989-),男,汉族,江苏苏州人,讲师, 本科,研究方向:继电保护。