摘 要:在电子信息技术得高速发展的情况下,其在诸多的领域中都有所应用,并且在物联网中应用的范围非常广泛,而且发挥出的意义不言而喻。在我国社会经济的发展中,物联网的发展提供的保障是很明显的,在科技进步的情况下,人们不断地转变着思维模式,从以前的不接受到当前的广泛引入新科技,特别是在产生了电子信息技术的情况下,人们原有的生活模式发生了转变,其成为了当前人们生活以及工作中的关键性构成部分。物联网技术有赖于电子信息技术的应用来实现其功能,提供给社会以及公众生活更加便捷舒适的服务。本文对于电子信息技术应用到物联网中的相关内容展开探究,做出如下所示的报告内容。
中图分类号:TN929.5;TP391.44 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)09-0168-03
Application and Research of Electronic Information Technology in Internet of Things
(Chongqing IT Construction Supervision and Consultation Co.,Ltd.,Chongqing 401121,China)
Abstract:With the rapid development of electronic information technology,it has been applied in many fields,and the scope of application in the internet of things is very broad,and its significance is self-evident. In the social and economic development of our country,the guarantee provided by the development of the internet of things is very obvious. With the progress of science and technology,people are constantly changing their thinking mode,from the previous unacceptable to the current widely introduced new technology. Especially in the case of the emergence of electronic information technology,the original mode of life will be transformed into a key part of the current people’s life and work. Internet of things technology relies on the application of electronic information technology to realize its functions and provide more convenient and comfortable services to the society and public life. This paper explores the application of electronic information technology to the internet of things and makes the report as shown below.
Keywords:electronic information technology;internet of things;intellectualization
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作者简介:熊平(1979-),男,汉族,重庆人,中级职称, 本科,研究方向:电子信息。