摘 要:三维虚拟场景中事物之间的交互可以满足场景真实感并提高用户的沉浸感,精确、快速地碰撞检测对提高虚拟环境交互的真实性有着非常重要的作用,而虚拟交互下的碾压场景的复杂性、实时性和精确性又对碰撞检测提出了更高的要求。本文以草体被物体踩压为例,对虚拟场景中事物间的交互过程进行分析和研究。
中图分类号:TP391.9 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)09-0171-03
Research and Implementation of Rolling Collision Algorithms in Virtual Interactive Scene
MA Yongbin,ZHAN Huarui
(Shangqiu Institute of Technology,Shangqiu 476000,China)
Abstract:Interaction among things in the three-dimensional virtual scene can meet the reality sense of some scene and improve the user’s immersion sense. Accurate and fast collision detection plays an important role in improving the authenticity of virtual environment interaction,but the complexity,real-time and accuracy of rolling scene under virtual interaction put forward higher requirements for collision detection. The paper will take the rolled grass by subjects as an example to analyze and research on the interaction among things in the virtual scene.
Keywords:3D;virtual scene;interaction;rolling collision algorithms
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