摘 要:本文通过简述智慧城市和智慧支付的基本概念以及分析智慧城市在中国的发展现状及所遇到的困难,将基于可穿戴设备的智慧支付所具有便捷、安全等独特优势应用于智慧城市的建设过程中,解决了目前医疗、交通、公共服务和社区建设等方面存在的问题,为智慧城市的建设提供了有效的思路,为人民大众提供了更加优质的服务。
中图分类号:TP399 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2018)11-0171-04
The Innovative Application Based on Wisdom Payof the Wearable Device in Smart City
LENG Mengtian,WU Jincheng
(Guangdong Lingnantong Co.,Ltd.,Guangzhou 510000,China)
Abstract:This paper by sketching the basic concepts of smart city and wisdom pay,and analyzing the present situation ofsmart city in China's development and difficulties encountered,Wisdom pay based on wearable device has unique advantages such asconvenience and security,so we discuss its innovative application in smart city,in order to solve the medical treatment,traffic,publicservices and community construction problems,provide an efficient way of thinking for the construction of smart city and it providesbetter service for the people.
Keywords:smart city;wisdom pay;wearable device;public service;medical treatment
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