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(淮安信息职业技术学院,江苏 淮安 223003)

摘  要:本文针对水产养殖粗放管理,导致水产品产量降低,给养殖户造成重大经济损失的现状,设计基于GPRS 的物联网水产养殖监控系统,实现对水质环境主要参数的监控,并根据实际情况对增氧机、投料机等设备进行控制,及时调节水质环境,改善水产品质量,提高用户经济收入。


中图分类号:S951.2;TP391.44         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2018)11-0175-05

Design and Implementation of aquaculture Monitoring SystemBased on Internet of Things

XU Xuefeng,LI Yuanyuan

(Huaian Vocational College of Information Technology,Huaian 223003,China)

Abstract:This paper in view of the situation that extensive management of aquaculture results in the decrease of aquatic productoutput and serious economic losses to aquaculture farmers,an internet of things aquaculture monitoring system based on GPRS is designedto realize the monitoring of the main parameters of water environment,and according to the actual situation,the equipment such asaerator and feeder is controlled and adjusted water quality and environment in time,improve the quality of aquatic products and increaseuser income.

Keywords:internet of things;aquaculture;monitoring system


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