摘 要:在物联网技术高速发展的今天,物联网技术在图书馆的流通、图书定位、借还等多方面得到广泛的应用。笔者尝试从实现“文献”与“阅读者”之间的信息关联的角度入手,从文献资料管理、信息和知识转移、更有效的信息获取手段、信息共享与协同阅读、跨馆信息共享等几个方面,利用物联网技术提升图书馆的核心价值。
中图分类号:TP391.44;G258.2 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2018)11-0179-04
Research on Library Data Management and Information Service Sharing TechnologyBased on Internet of Things Environment
LUO Zhaoxian,YU Wenpeng
(Jiangxi Institute of Economic Administrators,Nanchang 330088,China)
Abstract:With the rapid development of the internet of things technology,the internet of things has been widely used in manyaspects,such as the circulation of the library,the positioning of books,and the loan and other aspects. The author tries to start fromthe angle of information association between “literature” and “reader”,and to improve the core value of library by using thetechnology of material union network in several aspects,such as the management of literature,information transfer and knowledgetransfer,more effective means of information acquisition,information sharing and collaborative reading,cross library informationsharing and so on.
Keywords:library cloud platform;internet of things;information association
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