摘 要:目前高校正在推进和深化节约型校园的建设,本文针对广州铁路职业技术学院公共机房能源浪费比较严重的问题,提出一种基于 KNX 总线的智能控制系统解决方案,通过总线智能控制技术,对机房的照明、空调、教学电脑进行管理和监控,避免能源浪费现象的发生。实践证明,系统节能效果好、稳定可靠、操作方便,有效地提高了学院公共机房的管理水平。
关键词:KNX 总线;智能控制系统;高校计算机房;场景模式
中图分类号:TN915.05;TP273.5 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)11-0173-05
D esign of Intelligent C ontrol System for U niversity C om puter R oom Based on K N X Bus
YI Dan
(Guangzhou Railway Polytechnic,Guangzhou 510430,China)
Abstract: At present,universities are promoting and deepening the construction of conservation-oriented campus. Aimingat the serious problem of energy waste in public computer room of Guangzhou Railway Polytechnic,an intelligent control systemsolution based on KNX bus is proposed. Through the bus intelligent control technology,the lighting,air conditioning and teachingcomputers of the computer room are managed and monitored to avoid energy waste. Practice has proved that the system has goodenergy-saving effect,stability and reliability,easy operation,and effectively improve the management level of the public computerroom of the college.
Keywords: KNX bus;intelligent control system;university computer room;scene mode
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