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(西安工程大学,陕西 西安 710048)

摘  要:区块链技术伴随着比特币的发展而逐渐发展起来,并一度被认为是 21 世纪改变世界的革命性技术创新,在世界各国掀起来一股区块链的浪潮,但是由于其本身的不健壮性以及当前社会经济的大背景,在经历了一段时间的区块链经济浪潮之后,迎来了区块链行业的大洗牌,一大批区块链公司倒闭,仅有少数大公司还在幸存中谋求着发展,企图能进一步挖掘区块链的潜在价值。本文对区块链的发展历程进行了分析,阐述了区块链的相关技术概念,剖析区块链没落的内在原因和外在原因,对区块链技术的未来进行了一定的展望。


中图分类号:TP311.13;TP3-05         文献标识码A         文章编号:2096-4706(2019)11-0177-03

A Sum m ary of R esearch on the D evelopm ent Problem s and Prospects of Block C hain


(Xi’an Polytechnic University,Xi’an 710048,China)

Abstract: The block-chain technology has evolved through the wave of Bitcoin and was once seen as a revolutionary technologicalinnovation that changed the world in the 21st century. In all countries of the world,a revolutionary wave of block chains was set up,butunder the background of its own infirmity and the current socio-economic background,after a period of economic tide of block chains,it ushered in a great shuffle in the block chain industry. A large number of block chain companies went bankrupt,government agenciesintervened,and only a few large companies continued to survive in an attempt to further tap the potential value of the block chain. Thispaper further excavates the previous life of block chain,expounds the related technical concept of block chain,analyzes the internal andexternal reasons for the decline of block chain,and looks forward to the future of block chain technology.

Keywords: Bitcoin;block chain development;block chain technology


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