摘 要:针对我国城市果蔬配送过程中对于车载环境难以实时监控、配送损耗大的问题,研究了基于 ZigBee 的车载果蔬监控系统。系统主要由传感器模块、协调器模块、电源模块和现场显示部分构成,传感器模块主要由多个温湿度传感器构成,协调器模块使用 CC2591 芯片与 CC2530 芯片相连,并为 CC2591 芯片设计了新的巴伦电路增强传输增益,电源模块使用太阳能 - 锂电池双能供电。系统采用 ZigBee 技术组网,将传感器所采集的数据经协调器处理转发至驾驶室 LCD 显示屏,根据果蔬需求温湿度,通过继电器控制风机和雨淋阀。冷藏车的规格长约 7.2 米,宽约 2.3 米,高约 2.7 米,设计的系统完全满足实际需求,实现对车载环境温湿度的实时控制。
中图分类号:TP273;TS255.3 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)11-0180-04
D esign of V ehicle V egetable M onitoring System
YANG Fan 1,2 ,LIU Zhi 1
(1.School of Electrical and Information Engineering,Wuhan Institute of Technology,Wuhan 430205,China;2.Hubei Video Image and High Definition Projection Engineering Technology Research Center,Wuhan 430205,China)
Abstract: In view of the difficulty in real-time monitoring of on-board environment and large distribution loss in the process ofurban fruit and vegetable distribution in China,the ZigBee-based on-board fruit and vegetable monitoring system is studied. System ismainly composed of sensor module,the coordinator module,power module and the display parts,sensor module is made up of multipletemperature and humidity sensor,the coordinator module uses CC2591 chip connected with CC2530 chip,and designed for the CC2591chip enhanced transmission gain new balance circuit,power supply module using solar-lithium battery can double power supply. Thesystem uses ZigBee technology to form a network. The data collected by sensors are processed by coordinator and forwarded to the LCDdisplay panel of cab. According to the temperature and humidity of fruit and vegetable,the fan and rain valve are controlled by relay. Thespecifications of the refrigerated vehicle are about 7.2 meters long,2.3 meters wide and 2.7 meters high. The designed system fully meetsthe actual needs and realizes the real-time control of the temperature and humidity of the vehicle environment.
Keywords: fruit and vegetable distribution;sensor;ZigBee
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