摘 要:在人工智能技术发展的进程中,语音识别已经成为重要分支之一。语音识别技术作为人与机器的一种交互方式,将前端处理之后的信号转换成文本或者指令,进而用于控制相关智能设备。当前,基于深度学习的云端语音识别技术已经逐渐成熟,但考虑到离线设备无法使用云端语音识别API,基于本地的嵌入式语音别技术研究仍然重要。本文从嵌入式语音识别系统的 组成分别介绍前端信号处理、声学模型和语言模型等相关技术点。
中图分类号:TN912.34 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)14-0166-03
Design of Embedded Speech Recognition System Based on Cortex-A9
YUAN Yi,CHEN Shengyong
(Guangzhou Ligong Science and Technology Co.,Ltd.,Guangzhou 510660,China)
Abstract:In the process of artificial intelligence technology development,speech recognition has become one of the important branches. As a way of interaction between human and machine,speech recognition technology converts the signal processed by the front end into text or instructions,which can be used to control relevant intelligent devices. At present,cloud speech recognition technology based on deep learning has been gradually mature,but considering that offline devices cannot use cloud speech recognition API,research on local embedded speech technology is still important. In this paper,the components of embedded speech recognition system are introduced,including front-end signal processing,acoustic model and language model.
Keywords:speech recognition;embedded;AI
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