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(广州佳都信息技术研发有限公司,广东 广州 510230)

摘  要:随着城市轨道交通的发展,因城市建设中的功能布局、空间结构等因素造成各个区域的客流不均衡,需要执行不同的行车模式来缓解。如何联动轨道交通中的信号系统、广播系统、乘客信息显示系统,为乘客提供精准、简明的乘车指引,是综合监控系统面临的重大挑战。本文从综合监控系统联动功能设计出发,探究在各种行车模式下联动轨道交通其他系统实现乘客指引功能的设计方案及实现方法。


中图分类号:U239.5         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2019)15-0169-03

Linkage Application of Urban Rail Transit Integrated Monitoring System in Various Driving Modes

HUANG Jinpei

(PCI Technology & Service Co.,Ltd.,Guangzhou 510230,China)

Abstract:With the development of urban rail transportation,the factors that caused imbalance of the passengers flows in different areas are the layout of the functions in urban construction and space structure. Flexible driving modes needed to ease the situation. How to connect signal system,broadcasting system and the passengers information system is a big challenge that comprehensive supervising system facing,with the purpose of providing passengers with more accurate guidance in trip. This article tries to explore design and realization of the guidance for passengers under the connection between different traffic operation modes and other system from the point of the design of connected function in comprehensive supervising system.

Keywords:integrated supervision and control system;linkage function;traffic operation mode;long and short routing;express and slow train


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