摘 要:为了克服稀疏移动无线传感网下节点移动导致的网络分裂和提高数据传输效率,提出一种移动无线传感网的移动感知数据路由算法。在MSDR 中,提出移动传感节点的路由期望值计算公式和汇聚树构建方法。如果移动传感节点寻找到Sink节点的数据传输路径时,将数据通过多跳的方式发送给Sink 节点,否则分析存在的两种情况(是否获知Sink 节点位置),提出不同的传输权值计算公式和中继其他传感节点数据的方法。仿真结果表明:MSDR 可提高Sink 节点数据接收率,降低节点平均能耗和节点剩余能量方差。在一定条件下,MSDR 比GPSR、AODV-M 和RASeR 更优。
中图分类号:TN929.5;TP212.9 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)15-0172-05
Mobile Sensing Data Routing Algorithm for Mobile Wireless Sensor Networks
LU Yunwei1,CHENG Jie1,WAN Jinhao2,CHEN Yourong2
(1.Zhejiang College of Construction,Hangzhou 311231,China;2.College of Information Science and Technology,Zhejiang Shuren University,Hangzhou 310015,China)
Abstract:In order to overcome the network splitting caused by node movement in sparse mobile wireless sensor networks and improve data transmission efficiency,a mobile sensing data routing algorithm (MSDR) for mobile wireless sensor networks is proposed. In MSDR,a formula for calculating the expected routing value of mobile sensor nodes and a method for constructing aggregation tree are proposed. If the mobile sensor node finds the data transmission path of the Sink node,it sends the data to the Sink node through multi-hop way. Otherwise,it analyses the two existing situations (whether the location of the Sink node is known),and proposes different transmission weight calculation formulas and methods of relaying the data of other sensor nodes. The simulation results show that MSDR can improve the data receiving rate of Sink nodes,reduce the average energy consumption and residual energy variance of nodes. Under certain conditions,MSDR is better than GPSR,AODV-M and RASeR.
Keywords:mobile wireless sensor networks;sensor nodes;mobile perception;data routing
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