摘 要:烟叶质量追溯体系的构建采取区块链的方式能够实现对信息的追溯,这种方式能够保证信息的安全,还能够避免对信息的篡改,处理方式比较完善,针对信息的管理也比较安全。烟叶质量追溯体系的构建采取这种方式能够完善管理工作,运用区块链技术建立烟叶质量追溯体系可以实现对信息的有效的管理。区块链技术在烟叶质量追溯体系构建中具有重要的意义。
中图分类号:TP311.13 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)15-0197-02
Feasibility Study of Tobacco Leaf Quality Traceability System on Blockchain Technology
YU Kun
(Sichuan Tobacco Company Liangshan Prefecture Company,Liangshan 615000,China)
Abstract:The construction of tobacco leaf quality traceability system can realize the traceability of information by means of blockchain. This method can ensure the security of information,avoid the tampering of information,and the processing method is relatively perfect. The management of information is also safe. The construction of the tobacco quality traceability system can improve the management work in this way,and establish a tobacco quality traceability system for the block technology to achieve effective management of information. Blockchain technology plays an important role in the construction of tobacco leaf quality traceability system.
Keywords:blockchain technology;tobacco leaf quality;traceability system
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