摘 要:资产是石油销售企业之本,资产管理是资产全生命周期活动。传统的手工资产管理,很难实现资产全生命周期的精准管控,无法解决资产盘点效率低、资产使用状态不可知、资产丢失不可知和资产运维成本高的问题。根据石油销售企业的现状,研究并设计了基于物联网技术的实物资产管理系统。主要功能是采用先进的RFID 技术对实物资产进行标示,实现亿级实物资产相连;实现大数据秒级盘点;实现系统智能联动,防止资产丢失;实现资产信息处理的准确性、及时性和有效性;实现实物资产管理工作的系统化、数字化、网络化以及程序化,使得管理成本下降,而经济效益增加。
中图分类号:TP311.52;TP391.44 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)17-0132-05
Design and Realization of Physical Assets Managing Information System Based on IoT
GAO Xingqin,HUANG Shengwen,LI De,LIU Jian,TIAN Bo
(Investment and Construction Equipment Information Office,Gansu Marketing Company of PetroChina Company Limited,Lanzhou 730030,China)
Abstract:Assets are the foundation of petroleum sales enterprises,and asset management is the activity of the whole life cycle of assets. Traditional manual asset management is difficult to achieve the precise control of the whole life cycle of assets. It can not solve the problems of low efficiency of asset inventory,unknown use status of assets,unknown loss of assets and high cost of operation and maintenance of assets. According to the current situation of petroleum sales enterprises,the physical assets management system based on IoT technology is studied and designed. The main functions are to use advanced RFID technology to mark physical assets and realize the connection of billion-level physical assets;to realize large data second-level inventory;to realize the intelligent linkage of the system to prevent the loss of assets;to achieve the accuracy,timeliness and effectiveness of asset information processing;and to realize the systematization,digitalization,networking and procedural management of physical assets will reduce the cost of management and increase the economic benefits.
Keywords:IoT;physical assets managing;RFID;petroleum marketing enterprise
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