摘 要:当前先进的集装箱自动化码头水平运输系统,主要以基于磁钉导航的AGV 系统,来完成集装箱在码头前沿和堆场之间的自动化转运。该类AGV 系统虽可靠性高,适用于码头复杂的作业环境,但同时要求码头在基础建设中铺设大量的磁钉,不利于传统码头的升级改造,具有局限性。本文设计了一种适用于集装箱运输的新型AGV 系统,基于多传感器信息融合技术的导航技术,满足传统码头的建设需求。系统主要从AGV 车体、控制系统架构、软件系统等多方面进行设计,使得产品具有显著的优越性、可行性和可实施性。
中图分类号:TH247 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)17-0148-04
Design of a New AGV System for Container Transportation
DENG Yefeng
(Jiangsu Automation Research Institute,Lianyungang 222061,China)
Abstract:At present,the advanced horizontal transportation system of container automation wharf mainly uses AGV system guided by magnetic nails to complete the automatic transshipment of containers between the front of the wharf and the yard. The AGV system has high reliability and is suitable for complex working environment of wharf,but at the same time,it requires a large number of magnetic nails to be laid in the infrastructure of wharf,which has limitations and is not conducive to the upgrading and transformation of traditional wharf. In this paper,a new AGV system for container transportation is designed. The navigation technology based on multisensor information fusion technology meets the construction requirements of traditional terminals. The system is designed from the aspects of AGV line-controlled car body,control system architecture,software system and so on,which makes the product have remarkable advantages,feasibility and practicability.
Keywords:container;automation terminal;AGV;navigation technology
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