摘 要:装备物资编码工作是装备信息化建设的基础性工作,在信息技术高速发展和强军目标部署的要求下,本文通过分析解决国内外编码标识技术的现状,结合我们的装备信息化基础建设实践,提出我军开展装备物资编码体系建设的意见和建议。
中图分类号:TP315 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)17-0171-04
Current Situation and Countermeasure Analysis of Equipment Material Coding and Identification Technology
LI Yi1,FANG Dengjian2,LI Muyi3
(1.Second Military Representative Office of Naval Equipment Department in Xi’an,Xi’an 710038,China;2.Naval University ofEngineering,Wuhan 430032,China;3.Naval Equipment Department,Beijing 100083,China)
Abstract:Equipment material coding is the basic work of equipment information construction. In view of the rapid development of information technology and the requirement of strong army target deployment,this paper by analyzing and solving the current situation of coding and identification technology at home and abroad and combining with our equipment information infrastructure construction practice. Suggestions on the construction of equipment and material coding system in our army are put forward.
Keywords:equipment materials;material coding;identification technology;equipment informatization
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