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物联网2018 年3 期

(西安培华学院,陕西 西安 710125)

摘  要:随着经济的发展和时代的进步,基于物联网技术的智能化产品在日常生活中的应用越来越普及,超市智能购物车 就是“物联网+ 大数据”融合创新下的产物。本文在了解国内外大型超市智能购物车发展历程的基础上,以西安市家乐福超市、永辉超市和人人乐超市为主要调研对象,对顾客对智能购物车需求和超市智能购物车市场前景两方面进行调研分析,并研究了智能购物车的功能,以提升消费者的购物满意度。


中图分类号:TH692         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2018)03-0184-03

Research and Analysis of Intelligent Shopping Cart in the Internet of Things
YAN Yaning
(Xi’an Peihua University,Xi’an 710125,China)

Abstract:With the development of the economy and the progress of the times,the application of intelligent products based on the Internet of things is becoming more and more popular in the daily life. The supermarket intelligent shopping cart is the product of the integration of“the internet of things + big data”. On the basis of understanding the development course of smart shopping cart in large supermarkets at home and abroad,this paper takes Carrefour supermarket,Yong Hui supermarket and Ren Ren Le supermarket in Xi'an as the main research object,analyzes and analyzes the two aspects of customers'demand for intelligent shopping cart and the market prospect of supermarket intelligent shopping cart,and studies the function of intelligent shopping cart. In order to improve the consumer's shopping satisfaction.

Keywords:internet of things;intelligent shopping cart;consumption frequency


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