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物联网2018 年3 期

(中国电信上海公司,上海 200050)

摘  要:民以食为天,“食”在人们的生活中占据着重要的位置,而食品安全又关系到人们的生活质量。为了确保人们的食品安全,在食品安全领域中积极地应用物联网技术就显得非常必要了。如何将物联网技术完美地嵌入到食品安全领域?本文围绕这一论题积极地展开论述,从物联网这一新兴技术入手,结合食品安全领域的发展战略,探讨如何实现将这一技术融入到食品安全领域,深入探索如何通过物联网技术来提高食品安全的管理效率。


中图分类号:TS201.6         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2018)03-0190-03

Thinking About the Application of Internet of Things Technology in the Field of Food Safety
LOU Yiwen
(China Telecom Shanghai Branch,Shanghai 200050,China)

Abstract:Food plays an important role in people's lives,and food safety is also related to people's quality of life. In order to ensure people's food safety,it is very necessary to actively apply the Internet of things technology in the field of food safety. How can Internet of things be perfectly embedded in the field of food safety ? This paper focuses on this topic actively,starting with the new technology of the Internet of things and combining the development strategy of the food safety field to explore how to integrate this technology into the field of food safety,and explore how to improve the efficiency of food safety management through the Internet of things technology.

Keywords:food safety;cloud computing;internet of things;logistics applications;food


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