摘 要:STEAM 是一种多学科融合的综合性教育学习理念,自 2006 年由美国提出以来,因对动手实践及创新思维培养的强调,已成为备受关注的现代化教学模式。但在职业教育中,尤其是中职课程中,STEAM 仍较少获得关注。文章将以中职物联网 APP 开发课程为例,探究在中职课程中引入 STEAM 教育理念的应用策略,更好地培养学生成为“蓝金领”。
关键词:STEAM 理念;中职教育;物联网课程
中图分类号:G434;G632.4 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2020)04-0188-03
Application Research on Introducing STEAM Education Conceptto Secondary Vocational Education Curriculum
——Take the Course of APP Development on IoT as an Example
WEI Wenchong,HUANG Li
(Dongguan Light Industry School,Dongguan 523000,China)
Abstract:STEAM is a multi-disciplinary integrated and comprehensive education concept. Since it was proposed by the United States in 2006,it has become a modern teaching mode that attracts much attention for its emphasis on hands-on practice and creative thinking. But in vocational education,especially in secondary vocational curriculum,STEAM is still don’t draw attention. This paper will take the course of APP development on IoT in secondary vocational school as an example to explore the application strategy of introducing STEAM concept into the secondary vocational curriculum,so as to better train students to be “Blue Gold Collar”.
Keywords:STEAM concept;secondary vocational education;IoT curriculum
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