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​基于指纹与 Wi-Fi 模块智能锁的设计
(广东海洋大学寸金学院,广东 湛江 524094)

摘  要:在信息技术高速发展的今天,人们已经越来越感受到科技所带来的便捷,与此同时,各类科技产品也开始进入人们的家庭中,为居民的日常生活的安全、便利带来了更好的体验。但由于目前市场上大多数智能锁基于的是指纹与 Wi-Fi 模块,所以其安全性问题也始终是隐患之一。该研究通过对基于指纹与 Wi-Fi 模块的智能锁的关键技术与安全性进行论述,进而提供一款基于指纹与 Wi-Fi 的智能锁的设计思路与方案,为智能锁的发展提供一定的理论依据。

关键词:指纹模块;Wi-Fi 模块;智能锁;系统设计

中图分类号:TN92;TP391.41         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2020)04-0191-03

Design of Smart Lock Based on Fingerprint and Wi-Fi Module

SU Cimin,CHEN Qiming,ZHANG Hui,HU Xinwen,ZHANG Shanling

(Guangdong Ocean University Cunjin College,Zhanjiang 524094,China)

Abstract:With the rapid development of information technology,people have increasingly felt the convenience brought by technology. At the same time,various types of technology products have also begun to enter people’s families,providing a safe and convenient place for residents’daily life. Here comes a better experience. However,since most smart locks on the market are based on fingerprints and Wi-Fi modules,their security issues are always one of the hidden dangers. This article discusses the key technology and security of smart lock based on fingerprint and Wi-Fi module,and then provides a design idea and scheme of smart lock based on fingerprint and Wi-Fi,which provides a certain theoretical basis for the development of smart lock.

Keywords:fingerprint module;Wi-Fi module;smart lock;system design


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