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​基于区块链技术的 DDoS 协同防御方法研究
(兰州大学 信息科学与工程学院,甘肃 兰州 730000)

摘  要:针对 DDoS 攻击,文章提出了一种基于区块链的分布式防御架构,利用分散在各处的闲置网络带宽和计算资源进行 DDoS 流量的转发和清洗处理。首先,将闲置网络带宽和计算资源上链,实现 DDoS 防御能力的全网共享;然后,依据链上共享的能力对发往受害者的流量进行转发清洗;最后,依据上链的流量清洗记录以及带宽使用记录进行奖励。该方案以分布式的网络带宽及计算资源有效应对大规模的 DDoS 攻击流量,提高了防御的时效性。通过服务能力聚合,充分利用闲置带宽和处理能力,显著降低 DDoS 防御的成本;基于 DDoS 防御贡献的公正记录进行奖励,构成协同防御的有效正反馈。

关键词:DDoS 攻击;区块链;分布式

中图分类号:TP311.13;TP309         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2020)05-0152-04

Research on DDoS Cooperative Defense Method Based on Blockchain

ZHAO Chan,ZHANG Ruisheng

(School of Information Science and Engineering,Lanzhou University,Lanzhou 730000,China)

Abstract:Aiming at DDoS attacks,this paper proposes the distributed defense architecture based on blockchain that utilizes idle network bandwidth and computing resources scattered around to forward and clean DDoS traffic. First,idle bandwidth and idle computing resources are proposed onto blockchain to realize DDoS defense capability sharing across the network. Then,the traffic sent to the victim is forwarded and cleaned according to the capacity on blockchain. Finally,the processing records and bandwidth usage on blockchain are used for rewards. This solution uses distributed network bandwidth and computing resources to effectively resolve large-scale DDoS attack,realizing traffic offloading,and improve the timeliness of defense. Through service capacity aggregation and full use of idle bandwidth and processing capabilities,DDoS defense cost is significantly reduced;reward based on the fair records of DDoS defense contributions forms an effective positive feedback on collaborative defense.

Keywords:DDoS attack;blockchain;distributed


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张瑞生(1962. 06-),男,汉族,甘肃天水人,教授,博士生导师,主要研究方向:高性能计算、服务计算技术等。