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​基于车牌识别和 ZigBee 无线传感的智能车库系统应用
(广州商学院,广东 广州 511363)

摘  要:如今,人们越来越追求更为便捷与人性化的人居生活。利用物联网技术、图像识别技术以及受众广泛的网页,设计出一套适宜现代小区需求的智能车库管理系统。智能车库包括可识别空车位并提供停车导航以及火警警报。该设计中添置了两个目前所知的智能小区没有的功能,在智能车库系统中使用了基于 ZigBee 神经网络的车牌识别系统,同时,车库内搭载室内灯光导航系统,以保证能快速找到车位。


中图分类号:TP391.4;TP274         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2020)05-0168-03

Application of Intelligent Garage System Based on License Plate Recognition and ZigBee Wireless Sensing

WU Zhichun,XIE Lin,PAN Yaohao

(Guangzhou College of Commerce,Guangzhou 511363,China)

Abstract:Nowadays,people are increasingly pursuing more convenient and humanized living. The team used the internet of things technology,image recognition technology,and a wide range of web pages to design a smart garage management system suitable for the needs of modern communities. Smart garages include identifying empty parking spaces and providing parking navigation,as well as fire alarms. In this design,we added two functions that are not known to the smart community. The team uses a ZigBee neural networkbased license plate recognition system in the intelligent garage system. At the same time,the garage is equipped with an indoor lighting navigation system to ensure that parking spaces can be found quickly.

Keywords:intelligence;license plate recognition;ZigBee

基金项目:2019 年度广东大学生科技创新培育专项资金立项项目(pdjh2019b0557)


[1] 王潇凡 . 基于深度学习的车牌检测识别研究 [D]. 江苏:南京邮电大学,2019.

[2] 姚涛,周光耀 . 基于 ZigBee 的智能车库分布式系统研究 [J]. 中小企业管理与科技(下旬刊),2019(7):135+137.



谢 琳(1997-),女,汉族,广东汕头人,就读于信息技术与工程学院,本科,研究方向:物联网、智能车库;
