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(上海交通大学医学院附属同仁医院,上海 200366)

摘  要:文中介绍了区块链技术的概念与其全网分布保存、多方共识记、防篡改与易追溯的特点;讨论了区块链技术的三类网络构架:公有区块链、私有区块链以及联盟区块链;完成了区块链技术在患者诊疗过程中的应用场景的分析,构建了基于区块链技术的患者诊疗信息管理平台,实现了患者诊疗档案信息的防篡改与病人诊疗隐私的加密保护。实践证明,借助医疗数据区块链共享平台,可以保证患者诊疗信息在多个场景中的共享共建与安全保护。



中图分类号:TP311.13;R197.3       文献标识码:A       文章编号:2096-4706(2020)08-0178-04

Application Research of Block Chain Technology in Hospital Patient Diagnosis and Treatment Information System Design

ZHA Jialing,ZHANG Yuan

(Tong Ren Hospital Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine,Shanghai 200366,China)

Abstract:This paper introduces the concept of block chain technology and its features of distributed preservation,multi-party consensus recording,tamper-proof and traceability,and discusses the three types of network architecture of block chain technology: public block chain,private block chain and alliance block chain;completes the analysis of the application scenarios of block chain technology in the process of patient diagnosis and treatment,constructs the patient diagnosis and treatment information management platform based on block chain technology,and realizes the tamper proof of patient diagnosis and treatment file information and the encryption protection of patient diagnosis and treatment privacy. Practice has proved that with the help of medical data block chain sharing platform,it can ensure the sharing,co-construction and security protection of patient diagnosis and treatment information in multiple scenarios.

Keywords:block chain technology;diagnosis and treatment information;system design;tamper-proof


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