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(西安翻译学院 图书馆,陕西 西安 710105)

摘  要:智慧图书馆为图书馆的发展方向,而物联网技术的发展则为图书馆智慧空间的建设和服务创造了基础,物联网技术可以为图书馆智慧空间的管理、服务和建设提供充分的数据,帮助图书馆管理者进行决策。另一方面,在基于物联网技术的图书馆智慧空间建设过程中也应该注意读者个人隐私安全、系统的网络安全和物理安全。文章以西安翻译学院图书馆基于物联网的图书馆智慧空间为例,说明物联网图书馆智慧空间的建设、管理与应用。


中图分类号:G250.7         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2020)09-0166-03

The Construction and Management of Library Intelligent Space Based on the Internet of Things

XIE Zhen,LU Su

(Xi’an Fanyi University Library,Xi’an 710105,China)

Abstract:The intelligent library is the development direction of the library,and the development of internet of things technology creates the foundation for the construction and service of the library’s intelligent space. Internet of things technology can provide sufficient data for the management,service and construction of the library’s intelligent space,and help the library managers to make decisions.On the other hand,we should also pay attention to the reader’s personal privacy security,the system’s network security and physical security in the process of building the library’s intelligent space based on the internet of things technology. This paper takes the intelligent space of the Xi’an Fanyi University Library as an example to illustrate the construction,management and application of the intelligent space of the library of the internet of things.

Keywords:internet of things;library intelligent space;library construction and management

基金项目:陕西省教育厅2019 年专项科学研究项目(19JK0334)


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