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(广西生态工程职业技术学院,广西 柳州 545004)

摘  要:以广西生态工程职业技术学院图书馆为例介绍口述历史数据库的收藏范围和途径,分析了建设过程中面临的资源存储扩容不易、资源可信度不高和知识产权明晰困难等问题,利用区块链技术的去中心化、不可篡改、安全可信等特性,提出融入区块链技术的口述历史资源库模型,由数据采集分析、数据组织整理、数据储存发布、数据共享使用四个功能模块组成,实现了保障数据安全、提高资源存储的功能。


中图分类号:TP391;G250         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2020)09-0169-03

Research on the Construction of Oral History Resource Base Based on Blockchain

ZHAO Danxi,LEI Fengxue

(Guangxi Eco-engineering Vocational and Technical College,Liuzhou 545004,China)

Abstract:Taking the library of Guangxi Eco-engineering Vocational and Technical College as an example,this paper introduces the collection scope and ways of oral history database,analyzes the problems faced in the process of construction,such as the difficulty in expanding the storage capacity of resources,the low credibility of resources and the difficulty in clarifying intellectual property rights,etc.,and puts forward the oral history integrated into the blockchain technology by using the characteristics of decentralization,non-tamperability,security and credibility of blockchain technology. An oral history resource base model integrated with blockchain technology is proposed,the resource base model is composed of four functional modules:data collection and analysis,data organization and arrangement,data storage and release,data sharing and use,which realizes the functions of ensuring data security and improving resource storage.

Keywords:block chain;oral history;resources construction;database schema



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