摘 要:近年来物联网工程在我国取得了一定的成就,该工程的进步促使我国经济结构更新以及基础形式转型。随着我国科学技术发展的不断深入,物联网工程也随之发生改变,物联网实现现代智能化成为当代从业人员需要重点研究的问题和未来发展的方向。本文首先梳理了我国物联网的发展进化史,并在此基础上,对物联网工程的应用情况进行了说明,以供参考。
中图分类号:TP391.44 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2018)04-0197-02
The Development and Application of the Internet of Things Engineering and ItsFuture Prospects
XU Lifeng
(Shanghai Information Investment Co.,Ltd.,Shanghai 200081,China)
Abstract:In recent years,the Internet of things has made some achievements in China. The progress of the project has promoted the transformation of our economic structure and the transformation of its basic form. With the development of science and technology in China,the Internet of things is changing. The modern intelligentization of the internet of things has become the key problem and the direction of future development. This article first reviews the evolution history of China's internet of things,and on this basis,illustrates the application of the internet of things project for reference.
Keywords:internet of things engineering;economic structure;science and technology;development goals
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