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(江门职业技术学院,广东 江门 529000)

摘  要:空气污染是现在常见的环境污染问题之一,对其进行治理刻不容缓。针对室内空气污染问题,本文设计了一款基于物联网的空气净化系统。该系统由空气净化器和手持终端两大部分构成,空气净化器利用单片机控制各个模块进行空气净化或加湿,手持终端通过WiFi 对空气净化器进行远程控制,实现加湿、净化空气及远程控制三大功能,有效地去除空气中的污染物和细菌。


中图分类号:TU834.82         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2018)04-0190-03

Air Purification System Based on Internet of Things
CHEN Hongan,ZHOU Hao,RUAN Taiyuan,CAI Xiongyou
(Jiangmen Polytechnic,Jiangmen 529000,China)

Abstract:Air pollution is now a common problem of environmental pollution,its governance is a matter of urgency. Aiming at indoor air pollution,this paper designs an air purification system based on internet of things. The system consists of two parts of air purifier and the handheld terminal,the air purifier can use SCM to control each module for air purification or humidification,the handheld terminal can use WiFi to the air purifier for remote control,realize three major functions of humidification,air purification and remote control,which effectively remove air pollutants and bacteria.

Keywords:wireless network;WiFi;air purification;humidification


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