摘 要:随着制造业向智能化的方向发展,传统的人工上下料方式已无法满足工厂大批量流水线发展的需求。基于工业物联网环境下的智能上料系统由物联网通信系统、PLC 控制系统和执行系统三部分组成,融合了物联网技术、网络通信技术,具有稳定、安全、高效等特点。在设备可以稳定运行的同时,利用本地 PLC 端和远程服务器端进行数据采集和数据计算,为企业提供详细、准确的工作数据,帮助企业将设备接入数字化系统,更好地实现产业升级。
基金项目:嘉兴职业技术学院 2021 校立科 研项目(jzyy202117)
中图分类号:TN929.5;TP273 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2021)09-0158-05
Design and Implementation of Loading System Based on Industrial Internet of Things
ZHANG Huihui,WU Rongsen,YANG Quanwei
(School of Internet,Jiaxing Vocational & Technical College,Jiaxing 314036,China)
Abstract:With the development of manufacturing industry towards intelligence,the traditional manual loading and unloading method can not meet the needs of the development of large-scale assembly lines in factories. The intelligent loading system based on industrial internet of things is composed of internet of things communication system,PLC control system and execution system. It integrates internet of things technology and network communication technology,and has the characteristics of stability,safety and efficiency. While the operating stably of the equipment,the local PLC end and remote server end are used for data acquisition and data calculation to provide detailed and accurate working data for enterprises,help enterprises connect the equipment to the digital system and better realize industrial upgrading.
Keywords:automatic loading control system;internet of things;PLC;data acquisition
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作者简介:张慧慧(1996—),女,汉族,山西大同人,助教, 硕士,研究方向:物联网应用技术。